[03:00] What prompted Christy to create the genetic detoxification report.
[10:00] Christy’s book is based on clinically based research.
[13:00] Different genes and how to interpret charts correctly.
[16:00] If a client has a specific gene but abnormalities aren’t showing in tests, is it worth focusing on?
[22:00] Anyone with the Alzheimer’s gene needs to be educated and do their research.
Testing for a specific gene means you may have a predisposition to diseases, but other factors are involved when testing positive, like lifestyle and diet.
If you test positive for the Alzheimer’s gene, it is best to get educated and do the research into all factors of the disease.
When talking to your patients, it is important to not overwhelm them with a lot of information at once. Find a few key takeaways and a couple actionable items to present to them instead of digging into everything at once. Then, after a while you can start to build on what they’re already doing.
Genetic Testing, Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan Book
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