Michelle Hernandez supports organized, professional women who have smashed into their walls to achieve lasting weight release, build resilience, and reclaim emotional well-being.
Michelle understands the critical role of technology in healthcare. Through her Data HeartTM program, she integrates advanced tracking tools, wearables, functional blood chemistry labs, and genetic testing to provide measurable, tangible results to empower health decisions.
True success isn’t just about achieving your goals—it’s about living a vibrant, fulfilling life with a high health span.
Dr Ritamarie (00:05.986)
Welcome back to the podcast. I’m super excited about today’s talk. Functional health coaching, health coaching in general, has become more and more popular over the last years. When I first started in health, and I transitioned from my career in tech, I didn’t have choices. I just had to quit my job and find a medical type school to go and train. And that was the way it went.
But right now, more schools are popping up, which says to me that this is the wave of the future. There’s a lot of doctors and nurses and other health professionals that are deciding what I learned in medical school, what I learned in chiropractic, what I learned in wherever, was not comprehensive enough for me to truly help people with the complex problems that they’re having these days. And so that’s what today’s talk is going to be about.
If you are a medical professional, and you’re really wanting to get into health from a deep root cause approach. Or if you are a person who is just like what I call a health and nutrition nerd, a self healer who’s really focused on themselves and says, wait a minute, if this can help me, I wonder what it can do for other people. Then you’re in the right place, because that’s what we’re going to be doing.
Today’s guest supports professional women who have smashed into the wall to achieve their success, but are failing and losing their approach to health. They’re looking to achieve lasting weight loss, to build resilience so that they can be the best they can be at their chosen career and to really claim emotional wellbeing. And guess what? A lot of us as health practitioners fall into this category, because we just want so much to help.
Dr Ritamarie (02:14)
And sometimes we lose our own and we need somebody to guide us. And that’s what Michelle is here to talk to us about. She created something called the Data Heart Program where she integrates advanced tracking and helps to identify that.
She comes from a long history of working in tech and working in project management, so she’s organized and success driven. And she is one of our recent graduates from the nutritional endocrinology practitioner training. And she gets the award for being the person who finished it fastest.
This program is set up so that you can go through it self-paced. You finish one module, you pass the test, you move to the next one and the next one and the next one. And generally speaking, it takes about two years. Some people take longer because they’re homeschooling a flood of kids, or they have a full-time job. And some people take a little less time, but Michelle finished in record time. A lot of it has to do with her determination, her success orientation and her completely amazing organizational skills. So welcome to the show, Michelle.
Michelle (03:22)
Thank you so much, Dr. Ritamarie for having me today. You have been an inspiration to me over the past decade. So I feel really honored to be on your podcast where you are changing the lives of so many out in the world. So thank you.
Dr Ritamarie (3:37)
Yeah, well, thank you for being part of that. And like I said earlier, Michelle started out as one of my ideal clients and we all should be thinking as a health professional, you should be thinking about who do you love to help? You don’t want to help everybody, because there’s certain, let’s just say, incompatibilities between personality types and approaches that you don’t have to work with everybody that comes along. And it’s really important that you identify who those ideal clients are.
For me, my ideal clients are people who are either fed up with the medical system and the care they’ve gotten or are fed up with not feeling well and know that there are solutions out there and they’re ready to take charge. They’re ready to take action, and they want to know how this body works. They don’t want to just say, okay, here’s what you do. Take this medication or take this supplement or take this herb or eat this food. They want to know why. And they’ve told me time and time again.
And a lot of those people that came on as clients for me end up transitioning to, my God, I helped myself. You helped me. I want to do what you do. I want to help all these other people out there. And they go on and Michelle is one of those people. So tell me a little bit about how that transition happened for you. Like you had a very successful career. You’re working really hard. How did that come about in your thought process and in your feelings? Like, I want to do something different.
Michelle (05:02)
Right. It was a journey and sometimes we have the answer in front of us and yet we don’t see it, because we’re so much on our little treadmill, our little hamster wheel of the day to day when we’re hyper achievers, we’re busy juggling multiple balls in the air. Not only our careers do we want to do well, we want our private lives to do well, we’re maybe in that sandwich generation where we’re giving a little extra care and support to parents or other loved ones. So we’re go, go, go.
So it’s really sometimes hard to see the forest through the trees, as they say. And for me, what came about, I had felt that just lack of passion. I was getting awards. had an amazing company environment where everything was going well, I could feel it was just getting more and more empty in the heart. It just wasn’t being fulfilling. And it was one of those, I pushed down and pushed down.
Well, come in the 2020s and we know a lot of changes came about with the 2020s in the world, the global pandemics and so forth. And I had some events that really hit close to home. I had the tragic loss of two brothers in the same week related in different circumstances to COVID. And when something like that really hits you so close, so tenderly, my heart shattered.
Michelle (06:24)
And I just had to put it back together. And when I did, I just asked myself, It really makes you reflect. Life is short. Do you really want to be in that hamster wheel? Doing, succeeding, but not being fulfilled. And that’s where I reflected and said, no, I don’t want to settle. I want what fulfills me. What’s that passion? And then that took some time to understand what was that passion.
If I reflected over my life, I would have seen all along, the little movie play of my life say that health has always been there. When I was a young child, I learned you could eat what looked like clovers, oxalis, out from the grass. So I’d get a little Dixie cup, and I’d put some water in it and I’d put the little oxalis leaves in there, and I’d eat it. Because I just found that so fascinating how the earth could nourish you. I always had that connection.
Michelle (07:17)
And go forward, I was always lighting up when people would ask if they had some ailment and asked me what are my thoughts, or if they asked me about my food when I had a chia pudding in front of me for breakfast. I always enjoyed that connection and being able to help. And so after the passing, I’d say the graduation, to me they’re still with me, but my brothers from this earth, they really gave me that chance to reflect. I realized one of my brothers had been an integrative medical doctor. And so I had that dock in a pocket where I could, hey, John, what’s going on?
Now I was like, I need to advocate. It started by saying, how am I going to advocate for myself? And then I really started researching and realizing the epiphany moment of health is what lights me up. It’s helping people improve through wellbeing, through connecting all my years of experience doing health technology, through accountability, through organization and through passion, through being able to connect to what are your goals.
Michelle (08:18)
So that’s when I started seeking. said, okay, now what is that called? Well, you start, you know, I’m a very good researcher. So I looked up, what could that look like and realized what health coaching had become, as you explained, is starting to get more expansive and it really fascinated me.
So with that, I went ahead and researched lots of programs, did my matrix spreadsheets, interviewed many people from the different programs, just one-on-one, just to understand what the flavor was like, what’s that for? And then after doing all the research, I like to go deep and there are programs, and I commend those who want to start with a toe in the water, maybe start with a smaller program to start. But for me, I had such a great foundation through the amazing care and knowledge you empowered me with when I was a client, almost a decade ago.
I guess, but I wanted to have that depth of knowledge. And putting it all together, I realized this is where I wanted to be in the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, doing this type of work to work and collaborate to make a difference for people.
Dr Ritamarie (09:38)
Wow. Thank you for that. That’s amazing. And that just warms my heart because that’s what I want for people. Not that I want every person in the world to become a health practitioner, but that people get in touch with what lights them up. Part of health, you know, is not just about what supplements to take, what labs to run, what herbs to take, et cetera, what foods to eat. It’s about really being in touch with your passion. And as you know, at the beginning of all my programs with people, I start with what’s your big why.
What is that big why? So we can keep that as the North Star that you’re moving towards. And so when the going gets tough and it does, when you’re asked to change your diet, change your lifestyle, eat chia pudding when everybody else is eating ham and eggs and waffles, it’s different, right? And you have to be dedicated and getting in touch with that is so, so important. And the same thing with careers. And that happened to me, it started happening to me a very, very long time ago, before I even went online, when I had people in person.
I can’t tell you how many people, back in the day, before there were online programs, would say, I want to go to naturopathic school. Do you know which one is the best one? I want to leave my career. And a lot of them have been in high tech careers, by the way, there’s something about high tech to medicine to healthcare. That’s a common thread. So if you are a high tech person, I think what it is, is that you have the mindset, you have the thought process, you have the critical thinking skills.
And it’s a matter of learning different hardware and software, which is what this is. Only with the body, there’s no end to it. This machine is tangible, finite, you know this, and you know about it with us, we’re always learning new stuff, right? Science is just exploding. So I think that having you say that, that’s like, I reached my ultimate goal, which is to empower people to reach their ultimate, to their unlimited potential.
And we all have unlimited potential. Whether you’re listening in here and you are a health seeker, seeking your own health or seeking health for your family, or you are a health practitioner, a doctor, a nurse, a health coach, we have optometrists in our program. We have podiatrists in our program. We have dentists in our program.
We have pharmacists, whatever area is reaching to a point that’s saying, what I know now is not enough to provide that deep level of care to people who are suffering and who have been dealing with problems for a long time that the standard symptom suppression approach isn’t working for. And it’s just very rewarding for me to hear that. And if you’re listening and you’re thinking, well, I’ve already been to medical school and that’s like eight years of schooling and education and residencies and all that.
But I find that my tools are not quite serving people, because I don’t really know how to get to root causes. We were never taught how to get to root causes. So that might be there, but you might also have been like Michelle, dealing with your own health for a long time and realizing, I know a whole lot more than other people. I’m the go-to person in my social and my family place that, what if I did this for a living?
We have somebody in our program who’s a graduate, and she’s brilliant. She was a guitar teacher, and she had her own health issues, dealt with an autoimmune disease, figured out how to overcome it by helping her microbiome. And everybody kept asking her, how’d you do that? What can you do? How can I do this? And then she realized she started researching it. This is actually a career. I can actually be a health coach. And she’s one of our top practitioner graduates in the program.
So it goes from both ends. And then there’s people who have been to some of the programs out there. There’s a very popular one that a lot of people go to. They’ve put out a hundred thousand or more health coaches, but it’s basic. It’s a basic level. And if that’s what you want, that’s great. But if you really, like Michelle, are striving to really know the in-depth stuff, when people come with complicated questions, then you want to go deeper.
So I love that you said that. So what was it about the program that filled that hole that made you feel confident? Cause right now you, you like jumped right in. You started a program. You started your Data Heart Program. I love it. I love it because it’s like taking the absolute data, but also keeping the heart in there, so tell us a little bit about what your thought process was with the data heart and how the studies that you did in INE and NEPT helped you get there.
Michelle (14:32)
Right, right. So I want to go into that and answer your question. And if I could go back to what you were just describing, kind of reinforce what Dr. Ritamaria is talking about here and the integration.
If you come from high tech, I was years in high tech, we’re used to seeing maybe systems, software systems or hardware systems, but they all have to play together. If everyone only does their little hammer and nail, they see the silo and that part might work beautifully, but you put it out in the wild in the bigger environment, and it could all fall apart.
And the parallel I see is that often in the system of health we have here in the US, everyone’s busy doing the best they can, but in an insurance driven model, it’s disease reaction as opposed to health preventative wellness or how do we get better? It’s not that root cause.
So you have everyone coming in doing their little silo part, their hammer and nail to get their part done, but there isn’t some system that I see normally that threads it all together. And that’s what I saw was missing. You had to have that integration.
To me, that’s why if you have that logical mind, that integration, this opportunity with nutritional endocrinology really lets you be able to go to the root cause, lets you be able to say, okay, this all fits together this way. I see a cause, and we are dynamic systems, we are software that we roll out, release, and it’s done. We keep moving. We keep growing and we have the tools.
So to INE, what that did for me,Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology’s training gave me the opportunity and the tools to be able to put those pieces together, say, this hormonal system, I see how this works, or these patterns can be indicative of a certain condition that may be happening.
I never treat, I never diagnose, but I am able to help empower my clients to put those pieces together to do a lot of things that we can do within our control. We are not at the mercy of what someone else tells us. We can be, but it might not be for your best interest.
So you need to be able to advocate for yourself, critically think for yourself what do you want? What are your goals? And with that, you put it together, you come out with I can make changes. I can have my chia pudding. I make nutritional changes, sleep changes, stress management, huge one for those over hyper achievers. Hello out there. We burn out. because we burn bright. We burn fast, we burn bright but then we kind of might sputter out, and we’re still crawling. We’re hobbling along until finally, maybe we just can’t go anymore.
That’s what originally brought me to you, Dr. Ritamarie. I had a health crisis and was knocked out at the knees, and I find out, I guess I have to pay attention. Stop being on the hamster wheel. With NEPT, I am able to put those pieces together and not only for myself and my family, but for my clients to advocate and help them feel empowered and be accountable.
Speaking even from my own experience to do it on your own, you can. Some people get there, I’ve done some, but I do so much better in a community. What’s the saying? If you want to go faster, go along alone. If you want to go farther, go with others. And that’s what I think NEPT empowers me to be able to help others. It helps me be part of the NEPT community and collaborate with doctors, optometrists, pharmacists, nutritionists, everyone working collaboratively for that integrated, holistic root cause care to make everyone at their best.
Dr Ritamarie (18:30)
Yeah, beautifully said, beautifully said. So I want to get back to this Data Heart. I want to hear more about that, how that got inspired, and what that actually is. And the reason I’m digging into this is I want everybody to see that there’s not just one way to do this, right? And that you get to be your creative self and bring that forward into your health practice, whatever that health practice looks like, whether it be a very small niche that you’re working with, elite athletes who do triathlons and are trying to get off of Coca-Cola. I mean, that’s very niche, but there can be a place for some of that or that you’re working with a broader perspective. And I think that professionals who are burned out, it’s specific and niche, but there’s a lot of them.
You could niche it down further to health professionals who are accounting professionals, who are lawyers who are…, And we have the grouping, that emotional and the burnout and all that in all of these areas. But you don’t have to niche it down that far, is what I’m saying. There’s room for whatever it is that you want to do. And it’s important that you’re following your passion as a practitioner, because if you’re not, you get to a point where you resent what you’re doing and you’re still overworking.
So getting back to Data Heart, let’s talk a little bit about that and what inspired that and what that actually means to you.
Michelle (20:03)
Right, thank you for that. So yeah, for me, my passions are nature, technology, community. Those three things have always resonated highly with me and bundled into health. So with that said, because I come from a high tech background, I love my gadgets. I love to have a way to see what’s going on.
I have a background in program directing, which is multi-million dollar programs where a million different cats are running in different directions, and we all have to somehow get to that finish line. So that organizational, critical thinking, strategic thinking that also has to happen along with the technology gadgets, blended with my health passion, because it’s not all about the numbers. I mean, if you just look at numbers but aren’t taking time to get off your hamster wheel, as I mentioned earlier, it’s going to be hard to heal, because the hyper achieving type, and maybe others, can get stressed. And it’s okay to have some stress.
When we exercise, we get stressed and that’s a natural stress. But if we’re always in that fight or flight mode and we’re always fleeing from the imaginary tiger chasing us, our cortisol is shooting off the charts. And when that’s happening, it’s hard for our body to heal, because that sets off a cascade of events that happen.
Michelle (21:26)
So what Data Heart does, I bring that up to say, you’ve got to bring the heart into that. If you cannot recognize what you want, what you need, want, and deserve, and how you want to get there.
The reason for the data is I’m a believer in what gets measured, gets managed. So I want it to be able to be easy for people, or easier for tech lovers like me, who can put on a gadget and get the information collected without having to do so much manual work in the frontend. It’s sort of happening in the background.
Perfect example is using a continuous glucose monitor. You put it on, it’s collecting the data and then we can evaluate any set of numbers in isolation. It’s good to have them, but you don’t have a picture. It’s a start. You want to see the trends. If you used to have glucose blood sugar levels when you’re fasting that were at 80, that’s a good range. But let’s say now it’s at 99.
If you have that trend, you can see it’s not going in the direction you want. We, learn plenty in NEPT about the cardio metabolic effect or metabolic imbalances and what that can trigger. So I use that without going into a lot of the science here, because NEPT can teach you all of that, but you can understand, we can put it together as a program tailored to your needs. Everyone is unique. We’re human beings.
And with that, we can also find what our goals are and modify them periodically. But it’s helping us say, I’m worth it. I’m putting my health forward. I’m going to make this happen in this way. And I have the support of a partner. I will help you get there. I will answer your questions. And so my program gives you that accountability, that visit transparency, and that emotional connection to yourself. It can be done individually, and it can be done also in groups.
Dr Ritamarie (23:26)
I love that because it combines who you are. Like you started out by saying your passions and your love, nature and growing gardens and having data and your health and food and all this stuff and you get to put that all together. Now everybody’s a little bit different.
So people who are not into technology, that’s not going to be their focus in their programs, right? Not that you would ignore that their technology can be helpful, but that’s not going to be your focus. And with the audience that you’re attracting is those professionals. And most professionals have had to do data tracking to get to be in their professional career, whether it be metrics on sales, whether it be speed to market in production or whatever, as professionals we’re used to that, and we like to see the data.
And the other thing that you said, and I find this to be so true about what gets measured gets managed. It’s also what gets measured, motivates people to manage it. Because that’s what I find when I can show them, like here’s your genetic report, and you have a tendency to this particular outcome that 3 of the 5 family members that you mentioned have had this kind of cancer or this kind of heart disease or whatever. And if you continue with the diet lifestyle choices, the nutrient deficiencies you currently have, it’s kind of your destiny, not necessarily, you can change that. If you’re heading here, here, here, here, and you take a different path, you don’t have to live out that destiny.
And I find that knowing the genetics and looking at the labs and looking at the clearly stated effects of life and stress and food on your blood sugar motivates people. Would you find that to be true in your population?
Michelle (25:21)
Absolutely, absolutely. It’s one thing to talk about what’s in a book or what’s being told, which may be true and very science-based, but it’s another to see what’s happening in your own body. And you go, that little piece of bagel, wow, look at that pretty sharp curve that I have. Not so pretty, you really want it to be a little bit more of a mild speed bump. You get to see what’s happening and it makes a huge difference. People then can start paying attention and they do. They do. That’s my experience. Yeah.
Dr Ritamarie (25:54)
They do. They absolutely do. And especially if you’ve got the tools which we provide in NEPT for helping people to take whatever their favorite food is and create it in a way that’s healthier. And I know you’re really into the kitchen and showing this. And in fact, you’ve done a couple of our kitchen shows to demonstrate this because for me, I find that what’s missing in a lot of the programs is the practical application.
So if somebody’s going, but I love bagels. Well, I have a recipe for a cauliflower chia seed bagel. Would you like to try that? And then they do, and they go, my God, this satisfies that craving, right? So we provide all of that to you. Did you find those things helpful within the program? I think it’s level two, all the functional nutrition stuff.
Michelle (26:42)
Right, the deep dive into nutrition and the correlation to different outcomes. Yes, I found that very helpful to be able to take practical ingredients. And most of these now, maybe 10 years ago, they would have been odd rarities. Chia seeds, what is that? Now you can go to your local supermarket, at least in the big cities. And I find them there.
If not, go to some online store, Amazon or other, where you can buy all these things. And so they’re pretty much accessible. These ingredients are being done. And sometimes it’s just the education. I didn’t even know this existed, or I can do it a different way. And that’s why, yeah, the cooking shows I’ve done, I like to do the just-add-water, because there’s a lot of healthy ingredients when you need a bridge. Might not be that your whole diet needs to be powders and water for sure. Wouldn’t recommend it, but it helps you bridge to where you need to go. And that that fundamental training and that extensive explanation was so helpful in the NEPT program.
Dr Ritamarie (27:45)
Absolutely. Thank you. Yeah. And that’s what I find is what sets us apart. So if you are out there looking, you know, whether you’re a nurse and working in a hospital, a doctor in your own practice or in a HMO, PPO setting, you don’t get the flexibility in that setting. And you haven’t had the training to be able to educate people. And that’s where either learning how to do it yourself, shifting your practice model or bringing in a health coach who’s been trained the way we train people in NEPT to work with you side by side.
And we’ve seen a lot of those relationships develop through our program where somebody was an optometrist and hired one of the new people who was really into the kitchen and the health coaching piece. And they partnered up. We see that a lot. And I think you said it earlier, the going it alone versus going it in a community.
We need to create these communities, because if we’re going to change the paradigm of how healthcare is practiced, we need to do it together. Not one of us can do it alone. And the more that people are out there learning what’s possible, the more they’re going to demand it of their health practitioners. And that’s where you need to be situated where you can actually, you know, actually meet that need and help people to get the kind of care that they’re going, but I heard about this doctor on the internet and he’s doing this. Why can’t you do that? What about this test?
We get people all the time that go, and they come to my programs or my classes, and they go, my doctor didn’t run these tests, and they take the list in, because we provide those tools. And the doctors will either say, you’ve been searching Dr. Google, haven’t you? And they poo poo it, or they say, where’d you learn about these tests? Wow, let me pursue this for you and let me order these things for you.
It comes from the bottom up, but also from the top down. So clients, the people are demanding more and more of this. And we know that, right? Cause there’s hundreds of podcasts, thousands of podcasts, blogs, summits. Summits are constantly happening. So people are getting educated.
And when they come to you, if you’re in conventional practice, or if you’re a health coach but haven’t gone to the depth, you’re not going to be able to answer their questions. And it’s preparing you to answer those questions that I feel so passionately drawn to.
Yeah. So for folks who are looking now, they’re like, I really do want to get this training. You said you did spreadsheets and everything else. Where do you, where do you propose people start to investigate?
Michelle (30:29)
Sure, sure, great question. I think the starting point is first to connect to yourself. Go back to that data and heart. Go to the heart part. What is it you want? What are your needs? And make a quick list of your top 3 to 5 goals or passions or careers. What is it you want from the information you’re getting? And that would be to me my starting place. You could also then frame it a little more with your, what kind of time investment do you have?
What kind of other considerations do you have? You can only do it in the evening after 8 p.m. Or only in the morning before 8 a.m. I mean whatever it is, be a little aware, but be flexible. And go with the passion part. What is it driving and then from that start looking for, have you seen places that really have lit you up? Put your toe out there and start reading what’s out there there’s a lot of programs.
We can meet, like Dr. Ritamarie has strategy sessions all the time. I help with those, too. We can talk through what is your point. Meet with different ones. Don’t start with just one of them. That’s enough. You want to feel good. At least do three, in my mind, to get a feel for what’s out there, and how it fits with you. Some of them were great programs, but they weren’t for me. But they were wonderful programs. So understand what it is that’s calling you.
Take the time, invest. If you need, reflect a little, but don’t reflect forever. Sometimes we get into paralysis analysis where we’re like, this one has that, but this one has that. And then we start where our head gets a little smoke coming out of it. The cartoon smoke’s happening. So just make sure you take the time to reflect, to meet, but also to take action, whatever that is, whatever step that looks like and wherever that may be so that you feel supported.
You’re being empowered. You’re connecting with you and your life’s passions. And the best time to start is now. It really is. We keep putting it off. Our hamster wheel is going to keep going round and round as long as we’re running in it. So, take a moment to come off and take the big picture. Connect to your big why. And then reach out. And we’re here. Dr. Ritamarie, you have an amazing team as well.
So have those strategy sessions to help where you are, especially if you’re a burnt out professional, where you want to go, we can have those conversations to help clarify for you what might be your next steps.
Dr Ritamarie (33:07)
Yeah, thank you. Thank you, thank you. And you know, as you speak, I realized the audience that burned out professionals, we get a lot of those who say enough, I want a different career like you. We had, you know, a top level IRS accountant person who said, this is burning me out, my health is worth more, started researching and she ended up in our program and graduating and now she’s amazingly successful.
So wherever you are, it doesn’t matter. I was a very successful computer person back in the day when women were rare in the computer industry and the computer industry was in its infancy stages. The computers were these big old things that took up a whole room, and now I have more power in this than I had in that whole room full of stuff.
But I had a very successful career there, making a lot of money. And I said, this isn’t doing it for me. And it came from my own health challenges, but it also is not lighting me up. Now when I talk, people go, that just really lit you up. Look at you, you’re like on fire, because I’m passionate about what I do and I love what I do. And yeah, it’s work. And the studying part was work, but now it’s so much easier. You don’t have to quit your job.
You don’t have to go back to school for four years to get educated to be able to do this. We’ve got that covered for you. So whether you are new, there’s criteria. We don’t take just everybody into our program. We interview you as much as you interview us to make sure that you have the right qualities and where you should go first if you don’t. If you’re any kind of health professional right now, doctor, nurse, health coach, naturopaths.
We get naturopaths, and at first I’m like, why did naturopaths join my program? Didn’t they get everything they needed in naturopathic school? And I was told, no, no, not quite, because you think of it differently. We approach it differently. We have more practical strategies and tools. So whatever you are, and if you’ve just graduated from a health coaching school, great. We get a lot of people who’ve graduated from various health coaching schools.
We’ll see if it’s a good fit for you to be able to come and join our community, because we are selective. We want just the right people in our community, because community is so important. And our community is based on love, it has to come from the heart, caring, really true connection and caring, and the willingness to think outside the box, right? And not just take what you’ve learned here or there, but putting it all together.
Do you have any final thoughts that you might have for helping people who are maybe on this crossroads and thinking about either changing careers or upleveling their career.
Michelle (35:53)
My final thoughts would be if you’re considering it, if you’re feeling that little pain, that little nagging, that little voice that you keep pushing off, explore it. Go take action. Don’t just have it spin in our little monkey-mind here. Go take action, whatever that may be. Talk to someone, research something.
Make some goal so that you can move closer to your dreams, your passion, and be the best you can be.
Dr Ritamarie (36:25)
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Always staying true to you. Always staying true to you and know that it’s going to change as you move through and the more you learn and the more you experience,
The more you go, wow, that really lit me up. This part, not so much. How do I do more of that? How do I create that? Right? I love retreats. I loved the retreat we had with our NEPTers in September. I love watching people’s transformations happening. I love just interacting in that way. How do I do more of that in my business moving forward? That’s one of my processes, one of my things to figure out.
What is it that you love to do and you want to do more of? And how do you surround yourself with people who love to do the things you don’t necessarily love to do, but need to happen in order to have a successful practice in business? So it’s really, really amazing.
So I appreciate you for being here. I appreciate you for being that number one fastest to get through the program. Now we’re putting it out there if anybody else wants to beat Michelle. I don’t know that you can. But well, yeah, we’ll take it on. We’ll take it on. But the beauty of the program is you can take it at your own pace. And you can do it in the evenings after eight or the mornings before eight or on the weekends, you know, if you have a full-time job.
And what we find is that people start to put it into practice before they graduate. You already were mapping out your programs and reaching out to people, before you actually got the certificate and had that in your hands. So it’s flexible in that way. Absolutely.
Michelle (38:01)
It is, and it can be what you create it to be. It’s such an empowering body of knowledge and community and love, and you can make it what you need it to be.
Dr Ritamarie (38:13)
Well, thank you. Thank you so much for being here. And if you’re ready to take the next step, check the show notes. We have a consultation. We’ll get on and do a practice audit, if you already have a practice to see where you feel your skills are. And if you don’t have a practice, we still do a practice audit, but just a skills audit to see where you’re at and what your next steps are to fill in those gaps, to be the kind of practitioner you want to be. And we’re very upfront if we don’t think that this is the right next step that something else might be, we’ll put you in touch with that other program. So reach out, get on the calendar. We’ll talk to you and just find out, you know, what you need to do to take your practice to the next level.
This is the future of healthcare. This paradigm shift, we’re doing to reinvent healthcare is what’s needed in order for people to get the care they need so that we don’t have unnecessary deaths and suffering. That we help people before they have a disease, but when they’re heading in that direction and that’s where all the data comes in. Look, you don’t have any symptoms right now. Most people we see do have symptoms, unfortunately, but you don’t have any major symptoms.
But that fatigue you feel at four o’clock in the afternoon, that’s not normal. Let’s look at your blood glucose levels. Let’s look at your insulin levels. Let’s look at your microbiome. And you get to help people before they get sick. You also get to help them after they’re sick in conjunction to whatever other practitioner they may be working with. But we are the future of health care. And I would love to welcome you into our community. Check out INEMethod.com. Check out the show notes for all the links.
And if you’re a busy professional, which probably you are if you’re listening to this, and you want more information about Michelle and her program, it’s michellehernandez.health and she can share with you more about her experience but also you might need that accountability and support even though you are a health professional yourself. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate it and until next time, shine on.
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