The Most Important and Often Overlooked Tests for Metabolic Dysfunction with Annette Falconett

Episode 4 - The Most Important and Often Overlooked Tests for Metabolic Dysfunction with Annette Falconett
In this episode are joined by Annette Falconett, author of My Journey Back to Health: Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Health Coach, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner. Annette shares how her daughter’s Type 1 diabetes went undiagnosed and nearly ended her daughter’s life. Tune in as Dr. Ritamarie and Annette discuss what Annette learned from her experience, the importance of metabolic health and monitoring your blood sugar levels, and also how Annette and her daughter worked to balance her daughter’s metabolic health. It’s time doctors see diabetes as the serious disease that it is.


  • [03:19] How Annette’s family was impacted by diabetes.
  • [12:24] Why the system needs to change when it comes to testing metabolic health.  
  • [13:45] Why doctors should be testing postprandial glucose.  
  • [19:00] Dr. Ritamarie discusses the damaging effects of high levels of insulin.  
  • [25:48] Annette shares her daughter’s testing patterns for monitoring her blood sugar.  
  • [31:59] Dr. Ritamarie shares some resources where you can go for your own testing.  
  • [37:19] Why a continuous glucose meter should be used to manage blood sugar.  
  • [43:01] A quick rundown of blood tests that Dr. Ritamarie and Annette recommend. 


  • Every household should have a glucose meter, just like a thermometer.  
  • Early testing for diabetes is crucial for providing the right care for patients.  
  • Unfortunately, most doctors are not taught how to manage insulin resistance. Instead, patients are told to lose weight, which is not a preventative approach. 


Ep 4 - Quote 1
Ep 4 - Quote 2

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Ritamarie Loscalzo

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is a best-selling author and speaker known for her extensive knowledge, infectious energy, and inspirational message that encourages individuals to become their own best health advocate. She is an internationally recognized nutrition and health authority who specializes in using the wisdom of nature to restore hormone balance with a special emphasis on thyroid, adrenal and insulin imbalances. She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology to empower health and nutrition practitioners to get to the root cause of health concerns by using functional assessments and natural therapeutics to balance the endocrine system, the body's master controller.

Dr. Ritamarie is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certification in Acupuncture and is a Diplomat of the American Clinical Nutrition Board. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a Master’s in Human Nutrition, has completed a 2-year, 500-hour Herbal Medicine Program at David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies and has a master's degree in Computer Science, which contributes to her skills as an ace problem solver.