[03:00] Genetic factors informing the way we coach people in order to exercise.
[10:00] Maria’s history with changing to a paleo diet.
[13:00] If a person has an alteration of the PPAR Alpha gene and is on the Keto diet, they are likely to have issues.
[16:00] Doing a five-mile run might not be the thing for you. Or instead of doing sprints that are short and go all out, maybe you are better off on an endurance run.
[22:00] Some genes will inform us of the likelihood of joint issues, muscle issues, and collagen which may assist the older, less confident population.
[30:00] People tend to listen to genetic information, because the piece of paper that measured their insides is actually there.
Testing for genetic factors will strongly assist the way we coach our clients to exercise.
Some genes will inform us the best diets to be on, such as if keto or paleo is right for us, the likelihood of joint issues, and muscle issues and collagen which may assist the older, less confident population.
People take notice when we discuss genetics and it may be easier for them to make changes with this information.
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