Boosting Metabolism with Thyroid Enhancing Exercises with Dr. Denis Wilson & Allison Roberts
In this week’s episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we talk with Dr. Denis Wilson and his daughter, Allison Roberts. Dr. Wilson is a thyroid and metabolism expert who has dedicated his career to finding innovative health approaches. He first discovered ’Wilson's Temperature Syndrome’, a syndrome that causes low body temperature and slow metabolism that doesn't show up on thyroid blood tests. He and his daughter Alison created Fastercise, an exercise that allows people to lose weight, gain muscle, and cancel hunger in 5 minutes.
We go in-depth on how a 5-minute exercise practice can improve your clients’ thyroid health, function, and metabolism. Listen to the full episode here.
- [5:00] – Hyperthyroidism, Metabolism, and Metabolic Rate
- [9: 30] – Storage mode vs. Forage mode
- [20:00] – Reboot your Thyroid System with Physical Activity
- [29:00] – Introduction to Fastercise
- [42:00] – Voluntary shivering and Weight Loss
- Normalizing body temperature can improve metabolism and metabolic rate.
- Aside from T3, lactate also increases the metabolic rate by increasing the size of the mitochondria. Lactate also helps burn fat.
- The same 4 hormones go up when you’re fasting as when you Fastercise. And these 4 hormones are the counter regulatory hormones to insulin.
- ReInvent Healthcare Thyroid Theme
- Get the Magic Questions
- Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training
- Fastercise Website
- Fastercise – Apple Store
- Fastercise – Play Store
- Fastercise – Instagram
- Fastercise – Facebook
- Fastercise – TikTok
- Fastercise App – Dr. Ritamarie’s Special Discount Link
- Alison Before & After Fastercise