Adaptogens for Energy
[02:00] Adaptogens and energy metabolism.
[10:00] An elixir of adaptogenic herbs and good fats including nuts and seeds will assist in managing stress throughout the day.
[15:00] The overuse of adaptogens could be problematic
[18:00 Licorice and the effect on blood pressure
[24:00] Ashwagandha and the thyroid function
[28:00] The benefits of Korean ginseng, including cognitive function and improved attention span.
Adaptogens affect our energy metabolism and their many factors assist our health and lower stress levels.
Overusing adaptogens could be problematic as not all adaptogens are related to energy levels.
It’s important to have an understanding of adaptogens before diagnosing someone by asking ‘What specific change do we wish to affect in this person?
- Get the Magic Questions
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