Thyroid Imbalance and Menopausal Issues with Dr. Alison Grimston
In this week’s episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we are talking with Dr. Allison Grimston. She's a medical doctor trained in women's health who has a passion for helping women in their later stages of life take back their health and deeply connect with their bodies.
With over 20 years of experience in various women's health issues, plus a life changing experience of her own, we dive into her experiences and how she helps women in need.
- [05:30] Similar Thyroid and Menopause Symptoms
- [09:20] Estrogen Dominance in Perimenopause
- [16:20] Thyroid Dysfunction and the Impact on Estrogen
- [23:00] The Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases in Women
- [35:10] Underlying cause of Thyroid and Menopausal Symptoms
- Women are diagnosed as having menopause issues when it is in fact a thyroid one and vice versa. In reality, it’s a combination. There is insufficiency and dysfunction in the entire hypothalamic pituitary adrenal thyroid axis.
- Both menopause and low thyroid hormone increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and of osteoporosis. That’s why it is important to address symptoms in the early stages before there’s damage to the system.
- Having good gut health, blood sugar balance, and adrenals can help clients manage their thyroid and their menopause together.