Lab Testing for Identifying Imbalances Related to Fatigue
[03:00] It’s important to start with a comprehensive blood chemistry panel and to know how to read it from a functional perspective.
[08:00] What to do when there are different balances in iron, ferritin and melatonin.
[15:00] Insulin is usually elevated early on in the process of blood sugar and insulin dysregulation.
[21:00] If a client’s B12 function is high, oftentimes, they may have methylation issues.
[23:00] The three functional tests to use to find out if there’s an underlying root cause of a person’s fatigue.
It’s important to begin with a comprehensive blood chemistry panel and to know how to read it from a functional perspective.
There are many factors which may lead to fatigue, from nutrient deficiencies, low or high amounts of vitamins and testing which is too basic.
By completing in depth testing and considering additional factors, you will be able to better locate the root issue for a clients’ fatigue.
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