The Importance of the Thyroid-Insulin Connection
On this week’s episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we will dive into a topic that isn’t talked about very often - Thyroid and an important hormone called Insulin. This interaction is not looked at very often in functional medicine circles nor in conventional circles so it is important that we have this discussion for clients suffering from thyroid symptoms so we as practitioners can help them better optimize their lives.
- [1:30] – Thyroid Function Tests linked to Variables in Insulin Resistance
- [3:40] – Conventional Medicine and Testing TSH
- [6:30] – Importance of Symptomatology
- [9:40] – Thyroid and Insulin Interactions
- [14:00] – Looking for Pre-Insulin Resistance Signs
- 92% of the population is estimated to be in the realm of Metabolically Unwell
- If there is a decreased rate of uptake of glucose into the cells, it means clients can experience hyperglycemia or high levels of glucose in the blood. – That’s a problem for Thyroid patients.
- High levels of insulin and Insulin Resistance impact TSH, T4-T3 conversion and thyroid receptor function.