An Expert’s Guide to Implementing the Adrenal Transformation Protocol with Dr. Izabella Wentz

An Expert’s Guide to Implementing the Adrenal Transformation Protocol with Dr. Izabella Wentz
In this week’s episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we have with us a returning guest, Dr. Izabella Wentz who is a Doctor of Pharmacy with over 20 years of experience. She is also an author of bestselling books and today we dive into her latest one, the “Adrenal Transformation Protocol: A 4-Week Plan to Release Stress Symptoms and Go from Surviving to Thriving.”


Thyroid Issues and Adrenals
90% of people with Thyroid issues and Chronic Fatigue have some sort of Adrenal Dysfunction because of an intimate connection between thyroid hormones and stress hormones. Some people develop Hashimoto’s after a significant time being “stuck” in a stressed out survival state.

How Stress affects the Adrenals
It is important to support stress function in order to properly support adrenal function. With any autoimmune disease, the first thing we have to remove is stressors. May it be mental, emotional, physiological, environmental, or food related. That is why it is important to properly assess the state of our clients in order to best recommend the best course of action for them.

Adrenal Transformation Protocol Overview
Safety Signals – Learning to eliminate danger signals (flight or flight mode) and turning them into safety signals such as how to make the body feel like it isn’t in a famine. 

Nutrients Going over the nutrients that get depleted during stress and nutrients that are needed under stress that support the thyroid and adrenals to get into a thriving state. 

Daily Habits – Going over the day-to-day routines of clients, do they have negative self-talk, are they doing enough things that bring them joy and energy, are they exercising appropriately.


  • Dr Izabella Wentz


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Ritamarie Loscalzo

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is a best-selling author and speaker known for her extensive knowledge, infectious energy, and inspirational message that encourages individuals to become their own best health advocate. She is an internationally recognized nutrition and health authority who specializes in using the wisdom of nature to restore hormone balance with a special emphasis on thyroid, adrenal and insulin imbalances. She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology to empower health and nutrition practitioners to get to the root cause of health concerns by using functional assessments and natural therapeutics to balance the endocrine system, the body's master controller.

Dr. Ritamarie is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certification in Acupuncture and is a Diplomat of the American Clinical Nutrition Board. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a Master’s in Human Nutrition, has completed a 2-year, 500-hour Herbal Medicine Program at David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies and has a master's degree in Computer Science, which contributes to her skills as an ace problem solver.